Q1: Install the melanie view (Viewer_v502.exe):
Analyze the gel on folder \gels\94-0002.mel, 94-0005.mel, and ECOLI.mel
1.Which is the most abundant protein in gel ECOLI.mel in the region range from pH 5.5-6, MW 16k-32k Da, please answer with the protein name, official name, accession number, %vol, measured pI/MW, theoretic pI/MW
2.Set ECOLI as reference gel, select as group on three gels, and analyze the expression ratio of above protein in the three gels. (ECOLI : 94-0005 : 94-0002)
Q2: A MS/MS data of spotX from bacteria was obtain in next slide with m/z lists.
–what this protein is (protein name, gene name, accession number)